We believe the time is now to add active risk management to your portfolios!
Last week’s market volatility on news of the Coronavirus spreading worldwide and beginning to hit closer to home illuminates the need for active risk management. With the roaring 10-plus year bull market, many wondered what it would take for a market correction to come. Worldwide hysteria driven by news of a possible pandemic produced the “Coronacrash” for the markets. The three major indexes — The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composited all fell more than 10% last week — their biggest decline since October 2008 (Imbert, CNBC). And while last weeks’ market turbulence handed investors a decline sharp enough to feel, JPMorgan, Citi and Goldman Sachs all warn, there hasn’t been enough pain for the markets and investors should expect a more prolonged downturn. With further downside looming in the future, we feel it’s time to think about capital risk protection through active managers.
As a money manager that focuses on protecting capital from catastrophic losses, our primary goal is having a process that moves to cash when risk rises—and moves consistently — not some of the time, not maybe. Nearly 30 years ago, we built our risk-managed process to actively seek opportunity to capture upside when markets are favorable, but reduce loss when markets hand investors devastating negative returns.
Our active strategies implement this time-tested process to protect clients from market volatility just like we’re experiencing now. As of February 28, 2020, WBI’s models raised cash allocations to between 55% and 95% (depending on the portfolio strategy). When coupled with fixed income positions, the combined cash and bond holdings range from 94% to 99%, again depending on portfolio strategy. We feel we are well positioned for the uncertainty that remains. Active management is not dead. In fact, we think it might be a favorable move for investors.
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All investing involves risk, including loss of principal. While WBI seeks to manage and monitor risk, there is no way to remove risk. There is no guarantee objectives will be achieved.
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